Thursday, July 2, 2009

Asianized Risotto

Andy and I had friends over for the evening. He had made a special request for me to re-do the Walnut Miso Soba recipe because he liked it so much.
I know you usually have risotto as a main, but the Walnut Miso Soba was going to be the strat of the night - but I was juste excited to try cooking it so I decided I'd serve a little of it with some protein for the meat eaters since the soba was vegan. I researched a bit and it seems the secret to it is a) good arbori rice or risotto rice; b) giving it time to slowly simmer, adding broth slowly.

I made a variation and
* used Dashi broth instead of vegetable broth
* reduced the amount of cheese
* poured some sesame oil instead of olive oil
* cooked it for 1hr and 45mins
* red wine instead of white
* reduced the amount of butter to 1/2
* added 1/2 cup brown rice

The results were amazing - right consistency, enough taste. It also tasted lighter (but still yummy) than most risottos because it didnt have heavy cream in it. Because it had wild bron rice in it, it was also much more chewy. I actually just served 1/2 cup to each person with some chicken teriyaki and cold tofu (for Rita who was vegetarian too) and they were pretty satisfied.

The cupcakes were less than stellar - I had put a solid hershey kisses inside it, and it did not melt. My idea was it would be like a cupcake souffle, was a tasty (but not yummy looking one.

Mushroom Risotto
1.5 cups Arbori
1/2 cups wild brown rice
7 cups Dashi soup
1 cup chopped green onions
1 cup thinly sliced portobello or shitake mushrooms
1/2 parmesan cheese (grated)
1/2 red wine
1/8 cup sesame oil
1//2 cup butter
salt & pepper to taste
* 1 tbsp chopped garlic
* 1 tbsp chopped onions

* cook in sesame oil the chopped garlic and onions
* add in mushrooms and green onions
* add in rice
* stir in the red wine then the butter (it will melt on its own)
* add 1 1/2 cups of the broth at a time
* when the rice absorbs the broth, pour 1 1/2 cups more and so on
* when almost done, stir in the red wine

Not posting the chocolate cupcake recipe, will still need to perfect it!

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Meet the Inked. Cupcakemaker

My photo
Dubai, UAE
A marketeer, yoga enthusiast, with a penchant for baking, skateboarding and thinking of adding 1 more to her 4 tattoos. I was in Thailand 3 1/2 years ago when the baking bug got to me, for a long stretch (aided by insomnia) I would invent and bake cookies and cupcakes for friends. Most of my baked goodies I could only eat sparingly as I was wary of it being too unhealthy - so the baking stopped. I have recently turned vegetarian and realized that healthy food can be super yummy...why not baking? There are loads of inspiring journalling from friends (love Lyan's blogs on cooking and Shane's) that I was inspired to journal my own! So here's to an exploration of healthy sweet treats you and I can enjoy...guilt-free!