Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Elise's French Courgette Tart

One of my best girlfriends here in Dubai is Elise - she's french, has small feet and is a really good cook. One of our favorite dishes that she whips up is her french tarte. I particularly like the courgette tart with tomatoes - she's shown me how to do it, and tonight she went over the house and we cooked some dinner for Andy and Georgenes (who is Brazilian and only eats meat, well not this time).

Neither Elise nor I have the patience to make the pastry - so we bought a ready made one. For tonight, we also substituted Rouqefort cheese with gorgonzala (I like smelly cheese)

French Courgette-Tomato Tart

* 1 courgette, sliced
* 2 eggs beaten together with 1/2 cup fresh cream
* season with pepper, salt and spices
* top with tomatoe slices
* french pastry (not puff) for the base
* 150 grams smelly cheese (we used gorgonzola)

Beat the eggs with the fresh cream, salt, pepper and whatever spices you like. Place the sliced courgette at the bottom of the pan. Pour in mixture. Top with the cheese then the tomato slices.

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Meet the Inked. Cupcakemaker

My photo
Dubai, UAE
A marketeer, yoga enthusiast, with a penchant for baking, skateboarding and thinking of adding 1 more to her 4 tattoos. I was in Thailand 3 1/2 years ago when the baking bug got to me, for a long stretch (aided by insomnia) I would invent and bake cookies and cupcakes for friends. Most of my baked goodies I could only eat sparingly as I was wary of it being too unhealthy - so the baking stopped. I have recently turned vegetarian and realized that healthy food can be super yummy...why not baking? There are loads of inspiring journalling from friends (love Lyan's blogs on cooking and Shane's) that I was inspired to journal my own! So here's to an exploration of healthy sweet treats you and I can enjoy...guilt-free!