Friday, February 19, 2010

Cooking and Art

Cooking and Art
The bad thing about being in Dubai is this artificial place lends you inable to go out and do the things you are passionate about w - being in a lovely yoga scene, shopping in markets, cheap massages, friendly people and observing and participating in the ever interesting asian fashion! The good thing about the absence of these distractions and hobbies is that I am forced to concentrate on married life, discovering my own self practice in yoga and trying to grow artistically even without very strong external influences. Cooking and Art has taken a forefront in things I wanted to explore and enhance...and by the end of the year, I would want to have tried most recipes I have seen in Tastespotting and Shane's blog, and atleast paint 3 more paintings.

Cooking Breakfast
Cooking to me is something very personal - I just do not want to cook good tasting food but I want it to look appetizing as well. So, I carefully arrange and photo my food - today's breakfast was some Peach French Toast with Salmon, on the side.
Andy also made me a yogurt banana smoothie on the side! YUM!

My Artsy Daily Planner- made by hand
I like to surround myself in art as well, and for this reason i began to make my own personal daily planner. I was scrounging around for a Starbucks one but since they do not sell it, I could not get one - so i made my own. I stuck it with pictures I liked, prints of art, drew's a lot of fun and I am happy with the ouput.

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Meet the Inked. Cupcakemaker

My photo
Dubai, UAE
A marketeer, yoga enthusiast, with a penchant for baking, skateboarding and thinking of adding 1 more to her 4 tattoos. I was in Thailand 3 1/2 years ago when the baking bug got to me, for a long stretch (aided by insomnia) I would invent and bake cookies and cupcakes for friends. Most of my baked goodies I could only eat sparingly as I was wary of it being too unhealthy - so the baking stopped. I have recently turned vegetarian and realized that healthy food can be super yummy...why not baking? There are loads of inspiring journalling from friends (love Lyan's blogs on cooking and Shane's) that I was inspired to journal my own! So here's to an exploration of healthy sweet treats you and I can enjoy...guilt-free!