Saturday, November 21, 2009

I dream in yoga

I have not been painting for awhile. I miss it and it because I remembered how it used to me happy - today (that Andy's gone) I had some alone time to do a couple of sketches.
I found myself drawing some figures of women in yogi poses. It happens to be Shane's birthday so I have decided to dedicate the 1st sketch to her and calling it "Tree Pose" - this still lacks color, but I need another round to do that. I also think I need to fix the figure of the woman show right now as she seems a little bit anorexic. I saw some really cool art that looked like postcards or wallpaper in the 70s which I soooo love, so maybe will color it this's sort of a practice run as well for the 3 canvasses I have for Andy. The idea is to make a happy painting we can eventually hang in the baby's room if and when we ever have one.


  1. you started with a happy picture hanging in the room of your surrogate children in Bangkok ;)

  2. What a pretty sketch! That watercolor (I think) of Tori with a "Hi, Neil" that you and your bro gave me is still with me, pinned to my cork board :)- camille :)


Meet the Inked. Cupcakemaker

My photo
Dubai, UAE
A marketeer, yoga enthusiast, with a penchant for baking, skateboarding and thinking of adding 1 more to her 4 tattoos. I was in Thailand 3 1/2 years ago when the baking bug got to me, for a long stretch (aided by insomnia) I would invent and bake cookies and cupcakes for friends. Most of my baked goodies I could only eat sparingly as I was wary of it being too unhealthy - so the baking stopped. I have recently turned vegetarian and realized that healthy food can be super yummy...why not baking? There are loads of inspiring journalling from friends (love Lyan's blogs on cooking and Shane's) that I was inspired to journal my own! So here's to an exploration of healthy sweet treats you and I can enjoy...guilt-free!