Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Toff-Walnut-Kani Salad in Wasabi Dressing

...Losing my temper results to a wasabi- salad creation

Going home today was not the happiest for me - I lost my temper today, got stuck in work, did no yoga or running and was basically TIRED. I had half my mind to just pop in something instant in the microwave then I said "I'm going to cook" to calm me.

Nothing sweet could be concocted in my head in my state of mind and I just wanted something that tastes close to home - Japanese perhaps? Something crunchy and strong tasting to take away the bitter taste in my mouth (and heart perhaps?)

* 1/2 cups chopped walnuts
* 3/4 cups firm tofu
* Stir Fry in olive oil until Tofu is firm, golden brown and absorbs the taste of the walnuts

Green Salad at the bottom
* 3 cups mixed green leaves
* Shredded carrrots
* Topped with 6 shredded Kani sticks
Wasabi Dressing
* 1 tsp wasabi powder
* 1 tbsp water
* 1 tbsp dijon mustard
* 1 tbsp mirin sauce
* 3 tsps kikoman soysauce

Top the salad greens with the tofu-walnuts and shredded kani, pour the dressing as needed.
Eaten with a slice or organic 4-grain bread with cheese and sun dried tomatoes - yum.
My heart may be tired - but my stomach is relaxed with this flavourful concoction.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Carrot Zucchini Cupcakes

Inspired by numerous friends who have been journalling their forays into cooking...and a sucker for social networking, I have decided to re-create my own! I started blogging my cupcakes creations but stopped. Tonight, while having a funny tummy (probably a stomach flu) and a little bit tired from eating frozen vegeterian meals from Amy's (although they are good) I took a shot at baking and making dinner that I could enjoy...guilt free!

The mushrooms with the tangy mirin-soysauce combination was good - the bigger the mushrooms and the longer you roast it...the better. The Zucchini Pie was also better than some I tasted because of the chewiness of the quinoa.

The WINNER though was the Carrot-Zuchinni cupcakes! Some people would doubt it would be good (no butter and zuchinni?) but the zuchinni and apple sauce combination actually made it so moist. I think people would a super sweet tooth would like it better with icing (cream cheese mixed with sugar and lime) but that is a little bit too much for me!

Baked Quinoa-Pesto-Zuchinni Pie
(a variation from Elise's French Tart and Shane's Vegetarian Salmon Pie)
* 4 tbsps pesto sauce
* 1/2 cup soy milk
* 4 eggs
* 1 cup quinoa
* 1 cup mozarella
* 1/8 tsp sea salt
* 1/8 tsp pepper
* 1 cup zuchinni sliced thinly
Serve with on the side: Roasted portabello mushrooms for 2 1/2 hours on the side (sprinkled olive oil, mirin and kikoman)!

Carrot-Zuchinni Cupcakes with Walnuts (no butter!)
Mix wet ingredients:
* 1 cup soy milk
* 4 eggs
* 1 cup raw sugar (brown)
* 1 cup apple sauce (unsweetened)
* 1 cup canola or sunflower oil

Fold in dry ingredients (Pre-mix together)
* 3 cups whole wheat flour
* 3/4 tsp baking soda
* 3/4 tsp sea salt
* 2 tsp cinnamon powder
* 2 cups grated carrots
* 2 cups grated zucchinni
* 1 cup chopped walnuts
Oil cupcakes pans, cook for 18 mins in 200 C

Meet the Inked. Cupcakemaker

My photo
Dubai, UAE
A marketeer, yoga enthusiast, with a penchant for baking, skateboarding and thinking of adding 1 more to her 4 tattoos. I was in Thailand 3 1/2 years ago when the baking bug got to me, for a long stretch (aided by insomnia) I would invent and bake cookies and cupcakes for friends. Most of my baked goodies I could only eat sparingly as I was wary of it being too unhealthy - so the baking stopped. I have recently turned vegetarian and realized that healthy food can be super yummy...why not baking? There are loads of inspiring journalling from friends (love Lyan's blogs on cooking and Shane's) that I was inspired to journal my own! So here's to an exploration of healthy sweet treats you and I can enjoy...guilt-free!